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Dr. A. S. Soin

Hepatology, Transplant Surgery

About Us

Dr Soin is recognized the world over for his pioneering work in establishing liver transplantation in India. He is one of the founder members and Trustee of the HOPE (Human Organ Procurement and Education) Trust which is a non-governmental, non-profit body aimed at spreading awareness about brain death and organ donation in order to benefit hundreds of thousands who die from organ failure in India annually.
Dr Soin and his team currently perform 16-18 live donor liver transplants every month with results which are at par with the world’s best centres i.e., a success rate of 95% for the patients and an excellent safety record for the donors. Apart from referrals from all over the country, he handles cases from the rest of South Asia, The Middle East and Africa. In his extensive experience of 18 years as a Liver Transplant and Hepatobiliary surgeon, he has performed more than a thousand liver transplants and more than 7500 other complex liver, gall bladder and bile duct surgeries. Dr Soin has to his credit, almost all the country’s FIRSTS in liver transplantation, in addition to 3 global firsts. Among his pioneering achievements is the credit of having performed India’s first ever successful cadaveric liver transplant in November 1998. This patient is also the longest survivor after a liver transplant in India. He then performed India’s first successful left lobe transplant (living donor) in 1999 and then also the country’s first successful adult-adult living donor right lobe liver transplant in March 2000. He was also the first surgeon to successfully perform laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (removal of kidney by keyhole surgery) in India. He has successfully used this technology for kidney transplantation in more than 300 cases so far.

  • Gender : Male
  • Hospital Affiliations : Medanta
  • Experience / Tranining : 36 Year
  • Medical School : MS (AIIMS), FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glas), FRCS
  • Transplantation
  • Hepatobiliary

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