DR. Naresh Trehan
Cardiology And Cardiac Surgery
After training in general surgery and subsequently cardiac surgery at premier institutions in U.S. (NYU Medical Centre), held important academic and clinical positions at the New York University Medical Center, Bellevue Hospital oU.S. (NYU Medical Centre), held important academic and clinical positions at the New York University Medical Center, Bellevue Hospital of the city of New York and Veterans Administration Hospital (Manhattan), U.S.A. His pioneering work in the field of coronary artery bypass surgery was at the New York University Medical Centre, New York, USA. In 1988, despite a successful career in United States he returned to India and started Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre – a pioneering state-of-the-art heart institute in India. Within a short period this Centre became an important land mark the world over in cardiac surgery and cardiology having successfully performed over 48,000 open heart surgeries which includes surgeries of coronary artery, valves, carotid arteries, aortic aneurysm,
cardiomyoplasty, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial total arterial revascularization, transmyocardial laser revascularisation, least invasive coronary artery surgery on a beating heart, reduction ventriculoplasty (Batista Operation), heart port access surgery and robotically assisted cardiac surgery with excellent results. Some of these operations have been performed by Dr. Trehan for the first time in India.
Dr Trehan left Escorts in 2007 to give shape to his dream project Medanta – The Medicity, a multi super-specialty hospital located in Delhi’s NCR region, Gurgaon. Spread over 45 acres, Medanta is a 1500 bed hospital with 45 operating theatres which will cater to over 20 super specialties. Medanta aims to match the standards of clinical care, research and education offered by the likes of Mayo/Harvard and Cleveland Clinics, while making treatments affordable. Besides clinical work Dr Trehan has taken keen interest in training, education and research programmes. He is giving post doctoral training of international standard to 30 surgeons at a point of time, The training is of 3 years duration. Over 20 surgeons have already been trained so far the city of New York and Veterans. Administration Hospital (Manhattan), U.S.A. His pioneering work in the field of coronary artery bypass surgery was at the New York University Medical Centre, New York, USA. In 1988, despite a successful career in United States he returned to India and started Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre – a pioneering state-of-the-art heart institute in India.
Within a short period this Centre became an important land mark the world over in cardiac surgery and cardiology having successfully performed over 48,000 open heart surgeries which includes surgeries of coronary artery, valves, carotid arteries, aortic aneurysm, cardiomyoplasty, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial total arterial revascularization, transmyocardial laser revascularisation, least invasive coronary artery surgery on a beating heart, reduction ventriculoplasty (Batista Operation), heart port access surgery and
robotically assisted cardiac surgery with excellent results. Some of these operations have been performed by Dr. Trehan for the first time in India.
- Gender : Male
- Hospital Affiliations : Medanta The Medicity
- Experience / Tranining : 40+ years
- Medical School : M.B.B.S. K.G. Medical College Lucknow, 1968 U.P., India
- Cardiac Surgery